Luke 8:22-56 - Not The Way I Planned It
Luke 8:22-56 Discussion Questions
1. How seriously should the disciples have taken the word of Jesus when He said, 'Leet us go to the other side'?
2. What would have been different about this trip thru the storm had the disciples believed the word of Jesus?
3. What was the people reaction after Jesus cast out the demon Legion? Did they act appropriately?
4. What was the healed man's reaction after Jesus cast the demon Legion out of him? Did he act appropriately?
5. How would you react if you were Jairus being delayed on the road back to your house with a dying child?
6. Jesus was calling the women that was healed from bleeding to a public faith in Him. What causes some people to be private with the faith? How can we help them see the value in opening up to Jesus?